The *ngFor Directive in Angular

The *ngFor is a structural directive in Angular. The asterisk(*) present in *ngFor represents that it is a structural directive, which means this directive can shape/ reshape the UI.

The *ngFor directive is used to iterate over any iterable object like arrays.

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  countryList: Array<String>;
    this.countryList = ['India', 'USA', 'Brazil', 'France'];
        <option *ngFor="let country of countryList"> {{country}} </option>

The result HTML will be:

        <option> India </option>
        <option> USA </option>
        <option> Brazil </option>
        <option> France </option>

Here countryList is an array of string values. When we use *ngFor on this array, it iterates over each element of the array and the current value of the array stores in “country”. How many values are present in the array, *ngFor creates that many <option> elements.

To track the index of the current element, we can store the index in one variable.

   <option *ngFor="let country of countryList; let i = index">
     {{i}} - {{country}}

We can also access and store other values that are offered by *ngFor directive like first, last, even, and odd.

     <option *ngFor="let country of countryList; let even=even" [class.evenOption]="even">

Now it won’t be a difficult task for you to show a collection of data stored in an array to the UI.

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