JavaScript Array forEach() method to loop through an Array

We are often required to loop through the array elements and perform some action using them. We can do this using for loop, but the array forEach() method is the new way to loop through arrays.

How forEach() method works

The forEach() method iterates over each array element and executes a function for them. Syntax:

array.forEach(callback, thisArg);

Here the callback is a function that executes for every array element, and thisArg is a value to use as this inside callback. Let’s see one example.

const foods = ['bread', 'rice', 'meat', 'pizza'];

foods.forEach((food) => {



The callback function accepts 3 arguments.

  • Current element for which the function is being called (required).
  • Index of the element in the original array (optional).
  • Original array (optional).

Let’s see one example using all these three arguments. In this example, we will remove duplicates from an array.

const arr = [20, 30, 15, 30, 40, 15];
const unique = [];
arr.forEach((item, index, array) => {
  if(index === array.indexOf(item)) {
console.log(unique);  // [20, 30, 15, 40]

Here in the callback function, we are comparing the index of the current item with the index of that item in the original array.

The indexOf() method returns the index of the first occurrence of matched element in the array. That means if the same element is present more than once in the array, then indexOf() will return the index of the first element from the left.

So if the index of the current element and the index returned by indexOf() don’t match, then that element exists more than once. Only the unique elements will be pushed into the unique array.

Array with empty values

The forEach() method doesn’t invoke the callback function for empty values.

const arr = [20, 30];
arr[5] = 50;
console.log(arr); // [20, 30, empty × 3, 50]

arr.forEach((item) => {



Here the callback function was not invoked for all the 3 empty values.

Terminating or skipping the forEach loop

Unlike for loop, we cannot use the break or continue keywords inside the forEach() method. To terminate forEach(), we need to throw an exception inside it. Similarly, we need to use the return statement to skip the current iteration instead of the continue keyword.

const arr = [20, -45, 30, 15, 30, 40, 15];

arr.forEach((item, index) => {
  if (item < 0) return;
  if (index === 3) {
    throw new Error("Terminating forEach");


Uncaught Error: Terminating forEach

If you are required to use break or continue in the loop, then in that case use for loops (for, for…of).

Example to use thisArg

In this example, we will filter even and odd numbers from an array and set it to the respective object properties.

function filterNumbers() {
  this.even = [];
  this.odd = [];

const numbers = [20, 83, 15, 58, 49, 62];
const obj = new filterNumbers();
numbers.forEach(function (item) {
  if (item % 2 === 0) this.even.push(item);
  else this.odd.push(item);
}, obj);

console.log(obj.even); // [20, 58, 62]
console.log(obj.odd); // [83, 15, 49]

Here the instance of filterNumbers is passed to forEach() to use as this inside the callback.


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