The most basic CSS selectors that we use are id
, class
, and tag-name
. But sometimes based on requirements we may need to select elements by some specific attributes.
div[tabindex] { border: 1px solid red; }
This will select all div
elements with attribute tabindex
and set the border.
Now to select all the elements that have the attribute tabindex
, we would do this:
*[tabindex] { border: 1px solid red; } /* Or */ [tabindex] { border: 1px solid red; }
Attribute with a value
input[type="text"] { width: 100px; height: 40px; }
This will select all the input elements with the attribute type=”text”
and set the width and height.
We have different types of syntax available to use when we provide an attribute with a value. We can select the right syntax based on our attribute value matching preference. Let’s check them one by one.
img[alt~="tooltip"] { width: 30px; height: 30px; }
This selector selects all the img
elements with alt
attribute values containing the word “tooltip”.
img[alt|="tooltip"] { width: 30px; height: 30px; }
This selector selects all the img
elements with alt
attribute values starting with the word “tooltip”.
img[alt^="tool"] { width: 30px; height: 30px; }
This selector selects all the img
elements with alt
attribute values starting with the letter “tool”.
img[src$=".png"] { width: 30px; height: 30px; }
This selector selects all the img
elements with src
attribute values ending with the letter “.png”.
img[alt*="icon"] { width: 30px; height: 30px; }
This selector selects all the img
elements with alt
attribute values containing the letter “icon”.
See Next
The CSS :is() and :where() pseudo-classes to write shorter compound selectors

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